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2016-05-30 09.09.54.jpg

paul hufker

*theatre  * fine art * tv

 I strive to create theatre with ears. I like things  wild, a little confusing. Would prefer audience is  not as eager for dinner plans after seeing show;  can't eat, must think. Also, (and this is  important) use what I have been given to uplift  those around me. Theatre's the thing. 

Many plays about Missouri, New York City, and  elsewhere. Full-length dramas, and  tragicomedies. A few of the rest and the others.


i'm a playwright


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Doomocracy, 2016

Recently, Paul did an interview with playwright Sara Farrington for her play A Trojan Woman which is set to tour Europe.


Check out the article in Culturebot here: 

A Trojan Woman at Luna Stage

StAnD uP is read by Arc Stages, NY


r e c e n t l y 

Birthday in the Bronx, 2020

shows + reviews

Manufacturing Mischief, 2017


"Paul Hufker’s script, with contributions by Nato Thompson, Creative Time’s artistic director, sounded, on a one-time hearing, sharp, up-to-date and wide-ranging in its talking points" -- New York Times



"Mr. Chomsky may be the hero of the play, but it’s Karl Marx who bats intellectual cleanup, with a 21st-century rap update of “The Communist Manifesto” that somehow rhymes “Tannenbaum” with “Amazon.” -- New York Times




"The actors will have to repeat their parts, written by the playwright Paul Hufker — some of them highly emotional and physically demanding — 40 times over the course of a might give an idea of the range of topical phantasmagoria to say that one room involves cheerleaders singing about abortion. Another features a kind of Tupperware party for handguns." -- New York Times

u p c o m i n g

Mews: The Musical! performs at The Institute for American Musical Theatre, NYC. February 25'

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r e c e 


StAnD uP is workshopped and

directed by John Lampe at

Villager's Theatre, NJ.

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Mews! The Musical! has songs perform at John Ertman's concert, 24 Below, NYC





















Paul is doing VoiceOver work for Check him out on Peace, Love and Cupcakes as well as Snoop and Sniffy, but mostly on the forthcoming The Word Search, where he plays two characters.​















 Huntsville was produced at the University of Alabama.


Mews! The Musical is accepted to the Institute for American Musical Theatre and will go into a three-week workshop, Winter 2024. 



Paul produced and directing a New Works Competition Workshop at Villagers Theatre in New Jersey, May-July 2024.



Fragile Constitution and It's Fine to Hate Yourself were read at New Circle Theatre Company, NYC.



Fragile Constitution (A Time for Puke Woman) is performed at The Tank in NYC in February.





Fragile Constitution is available for purchase on Amazon: 







*Huntsville wins the University of Alabama's New Voices Competition! Paul enjoyed his summer residency in July.​​​​



The Wet Woods is published by Next Stage Press.





*The Horses in Central Park has been published by Masque and Spectacle magazine.

h e a d l i n e s


Q. Smith and Lawrence Stallings sing All Blocked Up! Click the image, then click the Music icon in the lower right hand corner to watch the video

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